Mahei Li

About my research 

Feel free to call me by my first name, Mahei. It is pronounced "Ma-Hi".  I am a researcher, who is studying Service Systems and Service Graphs in particular. My research focus is rooted in my qualitative phenomenon-driven interests, design research, and formal modeling experience of digital services and service systems. I am currently researching how to design AI-based services to augment IT service management employees at an operational level. Within our research, we have explored how employees use IT to change they way they work. My aim is to conduct industry-driven research that leads to fundamental scientific contributions. 

About my research on Service Graphs

One of passion lies in finding novel ways to expand and apply directed hypergraph theory to create service models that integrate both resource structures and process structures.

Imagine you want to build a car. First, you need to know what parts make up a car, commonly referred to as a bill-of-material or product structure. That's your resource structure. Once you know what parts you require for a car, you need to find out in which sequence they need to be stuck together. That's your process structure. Let's make things a bit easier and assume there is only one way to create your car, so there are no variants and all our parts for the car are in your inventory. Once we have everything in order, you can start planning how to produce your car. You just need to schedule the resources required to stick your car parts together! We won't go into the details, but did you notice the constant switch between your product and process structure? That's because these two structures are essential. Now imagine what you can do, if you have a theoretical (formal) model that allows having both information in one structure! 

Let's go even further and imagine what you can do if are not talking about producing a car, but a service, a digital service, or a combination of all three things put together! Things get messy and seemingly complex. That's where Service Dominant Logic (SDL) kicks in and provides us a conceptual foundation to draw these different ways of creating value together. With the Service Graph, we are able to model the concepts that have been proposed in SDL and provide service systems of the future a theoretically sound and mathematically concise model! 



09/15 - 10/21 University of Kassel

Dr. rer. pol. in Information Systems & Researcher

Theorizing a Service Structure - A Hypergraph-based Modeling Approach and Applications

08/12 - 04/15 University of Mannheim

Master in Business Informatics (M.Sc.)

09/13 - 01/14 National Taiwan University

Visiting Global Master of Business Administration

09/08 - 07/12 University of Mannheim

Bachelor in Business Informatics (B.Sc.)

09/98 - 06/08 German Embassy School Beijing 

Abitur (equivalent to international baccalaureate) 

Awards & Achievements

Work Experience

02/23 - University of St. Gallen as Lecturer

12/22 - 3/23 National University of Singapore as Visiting Researcher

09/16 - 1/23 University of St. Gallen as Associated Researcher

11/21 - University of Kassel as Research Group Lead & Postdoctoral Researcher

10/15 - 11/21 University of Kassel as Researcher


Association for Information Systems (AIS); AIS Special Interest Group Service (SIG SVC); Research Network FOKUS:SE; Committee for DIN SPEC 33453 "Developing Digital Service Systems”; Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS); German Informatics Society (GI); INFORMS Service Science Section; 

Reading Lists

Selected Publications on Service Graphs
and Service Systems (in recommended reading order)

Selected Publications on Digital Transformation and Techno-change

Research Project: 

Hybrid Intelligence Service Support (HISS) structures

HISS-Project Publications

Peters, C.; Schmidt, S.; Li, M. & Leimeister, J. M. (2021): Hybrid intelligenter Service Support: Wie die Mitarbeitenden selbstbestimmt den IT-Support durch künstliche Intelligenz aufwerten. In: Service Today, Ausgabe/Nummer: 1/21, Vol. 35, Erscheinungsjahr/Year: 2021. pp. 66-67. 

Schmidt, S. L.; Li, M. M.; Weigel, S. & Peters, C. (2021): Knowledge is Power: Provide your IT-Support with Domain-Specific High-Quality Solution Material. In: International Conference on Design Science Research in Information Systems and Technology (DESRIST). Springer 

Schmidt, S. L.; Li, M. M.; Peters, C. & Leimeister, J. M. (2021): Nutzungszentrierte Gestaltung von HI-basierten Dienstleistungen am Beispiel des IT-Supports. In: Bruhn, M. & Hadwich, K. (Eds.), Künstliche Intelligenz im Dienstleistungsmanagement (Vol. Geschäftsmodelle – Serviceinnovationen – Implementierung). Springer Gabler. 

Li, M. M.; Bronner, E.; Peters, C. & Leimeister, J. M. (2020): Künstliche Intelligenz und menschliche Kompetenz zur Automatisierung und Personalisierung von Dienstleistungen am Beispiel des Support. In: Bruhn, M. & Hadwich, K. (Eds.), Automatisierung und Personalisierung von Dienstleistungen. Wiesbaden, Deutschland: Springer Gabler. 

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